TAM's mission/beliefs

  • Strive to satisfy our clients.
  • Foster the next generation.
  • Become a company with a meaningful impact on society.
  • Take pride in work that our families can be proud of.
  • Find happiness in both the tangible and emotional aspects of life.

TAM's vision

To become our clients'
number one partner

  • Possess a deep understanding of clients' businesses and propose solutions that exceed expectations.
    Continuously nurture highly skilled, trustworthy individiuals capable of providing enduring value.

TAM's value

Creating new value together
with our clients

  • Co-creating new value in products and services,
    accompanying the process from the creation and development of tangible products
    to marketing and on-site operations.

TAM's mission/beliefs

Be happy
on your own terms

Individual happiness is the key to the company's success.

Striking a balance between individual happiness and company profitability is essential.

This balance ensures long-term growth and prosperity for both individuals and the company.

TAM's 15 beliefs

What TAM defines as happiness is the ability to live life on your own terms, regardless of the circumstances or the environment, and to acquire the confidence and freedom that others seek, even in the event that the company ceases to exist.
To achieve this, we hope members continue to expand your horizons as individuals not only through advanced skills but also through diverse experiences, fostering all-encompassing personal growth.

  1. Your happiness is your responsibility

    Happiness cannot be provided by the company or anyone else.
    Happiness is something you must grasp with your own hands.
    The happiness of both the company and individuals relies on maintaining a mutually beneficial relationship.

  2. Be healthy and positive

    Aim for a workplace that is bright, energetic, and filled with smiles!
    Positive emotions, actions, and communication contribute to creating a great work environment.

  3. Never lose sight of purpose

    What is the purpose?
    What ideas are necessary to achieve it?
    In all activities, maintain a clear purpose and focus on achieving it.

  4. Deliver satisfaction

    Our work is not just about completing tasks.
    It's about delivering satisfaction to our clients as partners.

  5. Understanding fun

    Genuinely serving clients' needs is fun.
    Pursuing what's fun shapes our uniqueness, bolsters our vitality, and opens up possibilities for finding happiness on our own terms.

  6. Cherish encounters and relationships

    To foster comprehensive personal growth, we must hone both specialized and general skills.
    Appreciation for encountering diverse colleagues and clients inspires mutual learning, broadening our horizons.

  7. Nurturing others

    Every project is an opportunity for personal growth.
    We maintain a nurturing environment that helps individuals develop not only advanced skills but also the ability to learn, think, act, and understand others.
    Our goal is to cultivate individuals with strong human qualities who can contribute to the team and the company, regardless of how the market or circumstances change.

  8. Be professional

    • Participating in a project in and of itself should bring a sense of joy
    • Derive satisfaction from producing tangible results, even for routine tasks

    Both aspects are equally important and should not be forgotten.
    Building a strong foundation and taking on the challenges we're passionate about—that's what defines a professional.
    Regardless of our roles or the specific nature of our work, the fundamental requirement for professionalism is to be self-sufficient, maximize our contributions to the team and the company, and earn our own livelihood.

  9. Acknowledge differences and respect others

    Recognizing differences and showing respect to one another are essential principles.
    To earn respect as professionals, it's not only important to achieve results but also to maintain a strong work ethic and self-discipline.
    At TAM, we aim to build a team that shares common goals, respects one another, and values both the processes and outcomes, regardless of individual personalities.

  10. Never stop growing

    People and companies either grow or decline; there's no in-between.
    When we're in a phase of growth, everything seems to flow positively.
    However, as soon as we start embracing the status quo and resist change, everything tends to stagnate.

  11. Live with honestly and integrity

    Never deceive or envy others. Always honor your commitments.
    Promote open and sincere communication.
    Uphold honesty as a core principle and foster open dialogue.

    Doing things right! Doing the right things!

  12. Empathy > rules

    At TAM, we entrust much to self-management, rooted in mutual trust.
    Therefore, we deliberately avoid setting too many rules.
    We believe in individual responsibility, respect for one another, and nurturing a culture of understanding and compassion.
    However, we must always adhere to societal rules.

    Do the hard right, not the easy wrong.

  13. Embrace challenges

    There are good times and bad times, but keeping in mind that they even out in the long run allows you to embrace challenges.
    Developing stress resilience to overcome the difficulties that everyone encounters is the key to happiness for both the company and individuals.

  14. Five essential qualities at TAM

    • Hard Working (loves giving it their all)
    • Intelligence (has high problem-solving skills)
    • Honesty (sincere, cooperative with others)
    • Communication (strong in both input and output)
    • Stress Tolerance (doesn't run away or give up)
  15. Find your calling

    There is no greater happiness than living a life in pursuit of your true strengths, where you can forge your own path even if the company vanishes.
    As knowledge workers, we must remain vigilant of the ever-changing external landscape and chart our own course for the future until our last breath.
    Embrace change, relish change, and craft an exhilarating future for yourself!

TAM Overview


Feel free to contact us at any time.

Thank you for your interest in TAM.
Would you like to join our diverse team of highly specialized members in a collaborative project?
For inquiries and questions, please don't hesitate to get in touch with us here.