TAM inc. Privacy Policy

Guided by our corporate vision as the true partner of client companies, TAM inc. (hereafter referred to as 'our company') specializes in website construction. We hold personal information, including customer data of client companies, in high esteem, recognizing its utmost importance. It is our societal responsibility to handle this information with the utmost care. Therefore, we have formulated the following privacy policy and are committed, as a unified team, to establishing and continuously improving a robust personal information protection management system.

Collection and use of personal information

When our company collects personal information, we clearly define the purposes and obtain the individual's consent before collecting personal information through appropriate means. Furthermore, we establish regulations and management systems to prevent the use of collected personal information beyond the defined purposes.

Employee training for personal information protection

All of our employees, including executives, full-time employees, contract employees, and part-time employees, receive training on personal information protection and appropriate management methods at least once a year, and ensure that personal information is handled appropriately in daily work.

Appointment of a personal information administrator

Our company will appoint a personal information protection manager and establish an appropriate management system for personal information within the company.

Disclosure of collected personal information to third parties

Our company will not disclose or provide collected personal information to third parties except in the following cases.

  • When the consent of the person is obtained
  • When personal information is entrusted to a subcontractor of our company to the extent necessary for information processing, etc.
    (in this case, the subcontractor also ensures thorough protection of personal information)
  • When permitted by law
  • When it is necessary to protect important interests such as the life, health, property, etc. of the individual and the public.

Regarding security

To prevent unauthorized access to personal information and ensure the security of personal data, we maintain a robust system and implement necessary and appropriate measures. We are committed to preventing and addressing any incidents of personal information leakage, loss, alteration, or tampering. Our ongoing efforts focus on the continuous improvement of our personal information management system.

Compliance with laws and regulations

Our company complies with applicable laws, government guidelines, and other norms regarding personal information held.

Regarding inquiries, etc.

If individuals request the disclosure or correction of their personal information, or if we receive inquiries, complaints, or concerns related to this policy or personal information, we will promptly and effectively address them through our Personal Information Inquiry Desk.

Review of personal information protection management system

We will review our personal information protection management system and this policy at least once a year, and strive to continuously improve our personal information protection management system in order to better handle and manage personal information.

[Personal Information Inquiry Desk]

3-7 Suehiro-cho, Kita-ku, Osaka 530-0053
TAM inc. Personal Information Inquiry Desk
tel (06)6311-7755

Date of enactment: February 1, 2007
Date of revision: November 1, 2007
TAM inc.
Representative Director Shinji Tamehiro

Matters regarding personal information held
by our company

TAM inc. (hereinafter referred to as "our company") will disclose the following matters regarding personal information held by us based on the Act on the Protection of Personal Information.

Business name

TAM inc.

Personal information protection manager

Personal information protection manager (accounting/general affairs)

Purposes of using personal information obtained by means other than direct writing

  • Personal information entrusted to us
    for campaign and research purposes.
  • Personal information about job applicants
    for recruitment activities.
  • Purposes of using disclosed personal information

    When we collect personal information, we will use it for the following purposes:

    (1)Personal information related to clients and potential clients:

    • Sending information about our products and services.
    • Providing updates on our latest news, seminars, and exhibition details.
    • Requesting participation in surveys, including questionnaires.
    • Sharing information pertaining to our business activities.
    • Personalizing our website and email services.
    • Recording business card details.
    • Responding to inquiries.

    (2)Personal information concerning our partner companies:

    • Sending information about our products and services.
    • Providing updates on our latest news, seminars, and exhibition details.
    • Requesting participation in surveys, including questionnaires.
    • Sharing information related to our business activities.
    • Personalizing our website and email services.
    • Recording business card details.
    • Responding to inquiries and adhering to social media guidelines.

    (3)Personal information regarding job applicants:

    • Utilized for recruitment purposes.

    (4)Personal information regarding employees:

    • Facilitating business communication.
    • Handling employment-related matters in finance and general affairs.

    (5)Personal information related to various inquiries:

    • Addressing inquiries.

    Using personal information acquired by us to support direct marketing, internet marketing, and similar marketing activities for client companies that have requested us. This will be used for the purpose of sending email newsletters from us to those with whom we have exchanged business cards.
    We will not use personal information entrusted to us for purposes other than those listed above.

    Security measures

    To mitigate the risk of personal information leakage, loss, or damage, we have implemented the following security measures:

    • Organizational security control measures:

      We have established comprehensive regulations governing the handling of personal information at every stage, from acquisition to disposal. These regulations outline specific methods, responsibilities, and personnel accountable for personal information management.

      We conduct routine audits to monitor the handling of personal information and ensure compliance.

    • Personnel security management measures:

      Our employees undergo regular training on the proper handling of personal information.

    • Physical safety measures:

      In areas where personal information is handled, we control the entry and exit of employees, restrict the devices they bring in, and take measures to prevent personal information from being viewed by unauthorized persons.

      Devices, electronic media, and documents that handle personal information are safeguarded against theft or loss through measures such as encryption and password control. When these items are moved within our premises or externally, encryption or password control is applied.

    • Technical security measures:

      Access controls are implemented to limit access to personal information databases and similar data to authorized personnel.

      Mechanisms are in place to protect personal information systems from unauthorized external access and unauthorized software.

      We may utilize the access analysis tool Google Analytics, provided by Google Inc., to track website usage patterns. Google Analytics uses cookies to gather usage data, and it may associate cookie data with personally identifiable information.

    Disclosure of personal information

    Our company has established the following procedures to respond appropriately to requests for notification, disclosure, correction, complaint, deletion, and suspension of use and provision of personal information (hereinafter referred to as "requests for disclosure, etc.").

    • Where to request disclosure of personal information to be disclosed

      For requests for disclosure, etc., please attach the required documents to the prescribed application form and send it by mail to the address below.

      3-7 Suehiro-cho, Kita-ku, Osaka 530-0053
      TAM inc. - Personal Information Inquiry Desk (Head Office/Accounting Dept.)

    • Documents (forms) to be submitted when making a request for disclosure, etc. and how to make a request for disclosure, etc.

      If you wish to make a request for disclosure, etc., please prepare the following documents and send them by registered mail.
      Please note that the personal information you submit will only be used to process this disclosure request.

      • Personal Information Disclosure Request Form
        Please download the above file and fill in the necessary information.
      • Identity verification documents
        A copy of an identification document, such as a driver's license, passport, or health insurance card, confirming your name and current address.
    • Request for disclosure, etc. by a representative

      If the person making the request for disclosure, etc. is a legal representative or an agent delegated by the person, please enclose the following documents in addition to the documents in the previous paragraph.

      In the case of a legal representative

      • Documents to verify legal representation
        A copy of the family register or certificate of registered matters to confirm legal representation
      • Documents to confirm that the person is the legal representative
        Copy of a document that can confirm the name and current address of the representative, such as a driver's license, passport, health insurance card, etc.

      In the case of a delegated agent

    • Fees and collection methods for requests for disclosure, etc.

      As a general rule, we do not charge any fees for processing requests for disclosure, etc. However, depending on the nature of your request, additional fees may apply.
      In such cases, we will contact you in advance to provide details.

    Use of Google Analytics

    This site uses Google Analytics, a free access analysis service provided by Google, to understand the usage status of the site. Google Analytics uses cookies to collect usage information. Additionally, cookies may be linked to personally identifying information.
    In addition, we may refer to the Report on User Attributes and Interest Categories, which is a function of this service. If you would like to disable data collection by Google Analytics, please disable it here.

    Google Analytics Opt-out Add-on

    Remarketing in online advertising

    We make use of third-party advertising services (remarketing functionality) from providers including Google to deliver relevant advertisements to users who have previously visited our website, based on their access information. This advertising service automatically collects the browsing history information of our website through the use of cookies. It may also associate cookies with personally identifiable information.
    If you do not wish to receive such notifications (advertisements), please access the following pages to disable the use of respective cookies. Please note that if you change your browser, delete cookies, or switch to a new PC, you may need to reconfigure these settings.

    Google Opt-out (Disabling Cookies)
    Yahoo! Opt-out (Disabling Cookies)

    Google Remarketing Privacy Policy
    Yahoo! Remarketing Privacy Policy

    Contact for complaints regarding the handling of personal information

    If you have any complaints or concerns regarding the handling of personal information by TAM inc., including requests for disclosure, etc., please feel free to contact us at the following address for a swift response:

    3-7 Suehiro-cho, Kita-ku, Osaka 530-0053
    TAM inc. Personal Information Inquiry Desk (Head Office/Accounting Department)
    tel (06)6311-7755