E-Commerce Development

Committed to the success of
e-commerce across Japan.
A more enjoyable
EC website experience awaits.

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Ouchi Chika

- EC Director
- EC Producer

Having served as an EC Director for 10 years and spent 2 years as a web specialist in the field of EC, I bring a wealth of experience in large-scale EC from both the production and client-side perspectives. My primary focus lies in proposing solutions for client challenges and optimizing operations.

EC is one of the most closely
intertwined digital experiences with everyday life.

Since the introduction of smartphones, the internet and digital technology have seamlessly integrated into our daily lives. While many in the post-millennial generation may not have personal computers or home Wi-Fi, their internet usage remains remarkably high. From watching videos to research, gaming, and communication, smartphones have become the go-to device. Among these activities, shopping holds a significant place in people's life experiences.

This is why various terms like omnichannel, O2O, and 360° commerce have emerged, focusing on how to connect with customers in shopping experiences across all locations. It's not just about having an EC site; it's about enriching the shopping experience through app development, VR/AR integration, prioritizing pre-purchase marketing, and dedicating attention to after-sales support. Every aspect of customer interaction must be meticulously designed. We're indeed living in an era where everything is a user experience.

Enhancing user experience
with D2C and DX

Enhancing the user experience at every touchpoint is not a simple task.
However, the concept of direct-to-customer (D2C) is gaining attention, where companies can directly connect with customers. It's not just about being able to connect directly anymore, we are in a world where you must connect directly.

So, how do we achieve this?
One of the means to accomplish it is through digital transformation (DX). To connect products and services directly to customers (through the internet), the actions of the company itself, in a way, need to be digitized.

At the heart of DX:
creating a user-centric EC site for exceptional customer satisfaction

TAM's EC Architect Team excels in the following areas.

Complete support for end-to-end EC development

We offer a comprehensive suite of services, from identifying challenges using our unique frameworks and formulating strategies to cart selection, site construction, and ongoing PDCA management, all conveniently available under one roof.

Proposing the best EC cart solutions

We handle everything from CMS compatibility and frontend adaptation for major players like Shopify, ecbeing, futureshop, and EC-CUBE, to the discovery of lesser-known EC carts identified by clients. As EC site development experts, we evaluate more than ten EC carts from an impartial standpoint, ensuring that we propose solutions that are genuinely user-friendly for both clients and consumers, without being tied to any specific EC cart.

Boosting customer satisfaction through operational support

Even after investing in the latest EC site system, it's essential that every aspect, including content, especially product-related content, is managed appropriately and kept fresh. Without proper maintenance, the desired results may not be achieved. This extends beyond cart selection to encompass strategies for advertising, SNS integration, and defining the how of effective operations while maintaining a shared goal alignment with our customers.

To realize these objectives, TAM draws upon a wealth of accumulated knowledge and methodologies, including the PGST method for sharing objectives and strategies, as well as our proprietary project management tools. Moreover, TAM's EC Architect Team comprises members who are truly passionate about EC.
We invite you to journey with us toward project success!


Feel free to contact us at any time.

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